7 Growth Stocks to Consider Selling Now


There's an expression in marketing that you buy on emotion, and you justify with facts. Unfortunately, many investors apply that same strategy to the stocks they buy and sell. That's historically a formula that leads to poor results. 

The reality is that the most successful investors are typically those who can keep their emotions out of their investment decisions. That includes knowing when to sell stocks they own and may have become attached to.  

But selling is a normal part of the investment process. And that's even true for buy-and-hold investors. For example, in 2023, Warren Buffett, one of the most famous buy-and-hold investors, sold part of his position in Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX).  

Does this mean Buffett no longer likes the oil and gas giant? Not necessarily; his hedge fund still holds a large position in CVX stock. He just felt there were better opportunities for allocating capital. 

In this special presentation, we give you seven growth stocks that investors should consider selling. With each stock, we'll give you the specific reasons for including that stock so that you can see if it applies to a stock you own or are considering buying.  

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