Analyst Ratings Screener

The MarketBeat Ratings Screener gives investors a one-stop resource to search for any analyst rating issued for any quarter going back before the year 2000. The screener allows users to search for ratings issued by a specific analyst firm. Learn more about trading stocks based on analyst ratings.



CompanyDateActionBrokerageOld RatingNew RatingCurrent PriceOld Price TargetNew Price TargetPercentage UpsideDetails

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Stock Ratings Reports and Tools


Could Steve Job's 'Final Prophecy' Make You Rich? Just before he died, Steve Jobs issued a "Final Prophecy" that's now coming true... and making some people rich. In one recent 90-day stretch, 50 companies related to Jobs' "Final Prophecy" soared by 100% or more. What was Steve Jobs' last big prediction, and how can you get in on it? Professor Joel Litman explains everything... including the surprising group of stocks moving higher, and his No. 1 favorite stock in this space.