7 growth stocks that will prove growth is back in 2024


If you've been investing for any length of time, you've probably heard a lot of time-honored investment maxims. Things like "time in the market beats timing the market." One that I like to keep in mind is to "skate where the puck is moving." 

There's a reason for that. Investors frequently believe they need special knowledge to be successful at investing. Let's be clear: you do have to put in the work. But the information you need to be a successful investor is not unknowable, even without a background in finance or accounting.  

However, investors can choose from thousands of stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. And that's just equities. There are also bonds, precious metals, real estate, and – for those so inclined – cryptocurrency to consider. It's impossible to stay on top of every emerging story.  

Sometimes you need a little nudge.  

This special presentation focuses on growth stocks that may be flying under investor's radars. Some of these stocks are already growing – and have room to grow some more. Others haven't participated in the rally but have strong growth potential in 2024 and beyond. 

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


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A radical, potentially game-changing technology that threatens to destroy the trillion-dollar, “green energy” grift of the elites. And yet, while it threatens their wealth and power, it could be transformational for both the U.S. economy and your wealth.

One company holds a near-total monopoly on it.